Sunday, July 1, 2012

I remember....

Summertime memories.. I am not sure if it is the season or the age, but summertime memories always seem to be the most vivid. Spending time at the beach and seeing relatives, has brought so many memories to the forefront. And I am not alone! As we were driving over the bridge after our long drive from Kitty Hawk into Beaufort, Abby and Max started to recall all the things they could remember from previous summers. (They were having a hard time picturing where we were going). It was amazing to me the things they started talking about. " Oh, this is the place with the Italian ice and the ponies and remember this place has the long sandbar and you can find sand dollars and hermit crabs!" "This is the place that Wolfgang fell asleep and we had to wake him up?" Really?... Funny I don't remember that one, but one thing is for sure, there are many memories that I do remember and carry along in my heart as we travel down this bumpy, but scenic ride we call life!

Here are a few photos....

Ahh, the lazy, hazy days of summer!