Tuesday, March 2, 2010

blogging for Forsyth Woman Magazine

While skiing down the mountain with my friend Kelly, she told me they had a open spot on their web page for a blog. "Really." I said. "Interesting." She said I could write about deals I had found, things I liked, things that bothered me or basically anything at all. So I said, "Sure, I will write a blog!" I thought, how hard can it be, once a week and anything I want? Well, hard is not really the word I would use. Nerve-wracking is more like it. The thought of lots of people reading my thoughts, started to make me nervous. I mean, what if people thought what I wrote was stupid? Or dumb. or worse yet...boring???
So Sunday night, after the heart-breaking loss to Canada, and knowing that the closing ceremonies were upon us, I opted to write about the Olympics. As you know, I love sports, and in this family, we love the Olympics as well.

You can go to facebook and become a fan of Forsyth Family and Forsyth Woman magazine. or go to their website and check out my blog as well as others> If you can write a commen. It will make me feel better, or at least give the illusion that someone actually read it.

Thanks to my friend Kelly, who gave me the chance to be a celebrity writer for a little while!!!


  1. I will be sure to read it! Love the Abby artwork on this post, too.

  2. Nice post and that friend Kelly sounds pretty cool. Good luck you celebrity you. Oh, and I didn't see Abby riding a horse down the slope???
