Monday, November 7, 2011

A lot of coughing, a little running and some life thrown in there for good measure!

Here are the Vienna girls, after their awesome performance at the Ramblin Rose! Abby and her 4th grade teacher, Mrs. Anton!

Good times before the cough set in!
Glazener's being silly!

So, looking back, my last post was in July! Yeah, that is about right! I was having a great summer! Lots of beach time, lots of fun and summer sun and then vacation HIT!
Above is a picture when everything was still good and next thing you know, I venture on a 9 week trip of coughing, coughing and crazy rib pain.
There are varying thoughts on what I actually had. From whooping cough, to walking pnemonia , to an infection in my lungs. Whatever it was that decided to inhabit my being, it was not fun. Repeated visits to the doctor, inhalers, steriods, name it, I took it! And gladly. I am usually not a sick person, but this little infection decided to stick around for a while. Maybe it was my charming personality, or my tenacity, but I almost decided to give it a name and make it an official Glazener. Instead, I found out I had a family of goiters living in my throat, so I decided to name them instead!! Fun times!
With all of that said, I hope to update my posts a little more frequently! I also hope I can figure out to put photos where I want them to be! Sorry for the few at the top. They were supposed to be at the bottom, but no!! So with that, I say, Toodles!

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